Senin, 02 Februari 2015

Shine Not Burn, by Elle Casey

Shine Not Burn, by Elle Casey

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Shine Not Burn, by Elle Casey

Shine Not Burn, by Elle Casey

Shine Not Burn, by Elle Casey

Free Ebook PDF Shine Not Burn, by Elle Casey

Andie Marks, known as “Party Girl” in her college days, is now a whip-smart lawyer on the fast track to success. Determined to move on from a bad break-up, she joins her girlfriends for a wild bachelorette weekend in Las Vegas, promising to let her hair down just this once.

Vegas is a blur of cocktails and blackjack, and in the middle of it all she meets Mack, a real-life cowboy with a winning hand and an irresistible body. They get lucky in the casino and luckier back at the hotel, a hot night of passion that was definitely not part of Andie’s life plan.

By dawn Mack is gone and all she has to remember their one-night romance is a hangover and a pile of casino chips. Or so she thinks…

Revised edition: This edition of Shine Not Burn includes editorial revisions.

Shine Not Burn, by Elle Casey

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1803 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-07-28
  • Released on: 2015-07-28
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Shine Not Burn, by Elle Casey

Review "Shine Not Burn has a perfect Herione and Hero, wonderful side-characters, witty story line and one-of-kind dialogue with just the right amount of steam.  If you are looking for that light-hearted, fun-filled, laughable read, then Shine Not Burn is it. You will (as I have) "laugh out loud" many many many many times." ~ Jacqueline's Reads Blog"I just finished this book & I absolutely loved everything about it ... an amazing writer with a true gift. The book has everything comedy, love, romance & some seriously hot lovin." ~ Robin S."Not only does this author know how to write a hot, sexy romance that is captivating but she does it with a wicked sense of humor. I can't remember when I laughed out loud so much reading a book. Can't wait for more...... " ~ Amazon reviewer  

About the Author

Elle Casey, a former attorney and teacher, is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling American author who lives in southern France with her husband, three kids, and a number of furry friends. She has written books in several genres and publishes an average of one full-length novel per month.

Shine Not Burn, by Elle Casey

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Most helpful customer reviews

53 of 57 people found the following review helpful. Shine Not Burn (3 Stars) By Endless Reads I enjoy a good "cowboy" book every once in awhile, and after reading the premise for Shine Not Burn I thought I might have a winner on my hands. And while this books is definitely not the winner I was hoping it was, it was completely awful either.Shine Not Burn is about Andie and Gavin; two people who meet in Vegas, have insane chemistry, get drunk, and end up getting married. Problem number one is that Andie was so drunk she barely remembers Gavin, and definitely doesn't remember marrying him. So what does she do? Leave Vegas and never talks to Gavin again. Fast forward a few years later when she goes to get a marriage license only to find out she is already married.Now, I am all for a good romance. And by that I mean, romances aren't always to best books ever written. There is usually a lot of issues with the book and the writing tends to be not so great, but I enjoy them and they make me happy. However Shine Not Burn lacked one fundamental romance rule...the main characters had very little involvement with each other. I was half way though the book and Andie had spent more time with his mother than him. How is that a good thing ever?I think Andie and Gavin's relationship should have been more of a focal point, since you know the book is about them. When Andie and Gavin were in the same scene all they were doing is having sex. I know the sexy bits are a big part of romance, but come on. Let the characters actually build a relationship that doesn't consist of taking their clothes off.There were some other issues I had with this book, including Andie being probably the dumbest "smart" person I've read in a while. A note to authors: When a character doesn't something that contradicts everything you said that character was about, it's not believable and it's usually very annoying.I've given Shine Not Burn three stars, and I think that might be me being a little generous. I did enjoy some parts of this book, but overall was kinda disappointed.

32 of 35 people found the following review helpful. 4.5 Rash Stars By Beth - The Indie Bookshelf Oops. We all make mistakes. Some are little mistakes like burning the biscuits. Some are bigger. That fender bender in the parking lot. Some are much bigger. And life changing. That is if you remember them. Yeah sometimes you make mistakes you are not even aware of. This usually involves alcohol. Just ask any college student or Andie. Andie has a doosey of a Vegas Hangover.Andie has a plan. She has a carefully scripted design for her life. It's her way to make sure she is in control of her life, her path. It's a massive case of overcompensating. She has been following that plan until she hits the lights of Vegas for a bachelorette party one weekend.Mack is a hunky cowboy. Emphasis on HUNKY COWBOY. He is in Vegas for a bachelor party. They met at the Black Jack table times and rash decisions. (More about rash talk later) Oh...and some really steamy scenes. Really steamy.Mack and Andie don't walk away into the Vegas sunset together. There are memory lapses, time lapses and judgement lapses. What will happen when they are both in the same place at the same time again? I can't tell you all the details execpt those steamy scenes....yeah more of those. Naked tag in the meadow? I am just imagining the chigger bites. Ouchey. (told you there was more rash talk)Aside for the naked tag and tearing up the shower curtain, Andie is having a problem making a decision."My mind was spinning in so many different directions I didn't know wheather to laugh, cry, or eat fried calf testicles."Her friends try to give her advice."You're going with your heart and your vagina instead of your head for a change! Good for you!"Now that is some good advice right there. She should have her own talk show. Or blog. But even with that world class counsel, Andie still is unsure of what to do."Investing in a Magic Eight Ball when we get into town seemed like the best plan of action at this point."Shine Not Burn is a quirky, funny, sexy read. Sometimes what happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas. Sometimes it rides horses and gets chigger bites in unmentionable places and makes rash decisions.

28 of 32 people found the following review helpful. Hilarious!!! LOVE THIS BOOK! By I Heart YA Books WARNING: Due to uncontrollable laughter while reading SHINE NOT BURN, the reader may pee their pants.Yep, author Elle Casey really should post a warning for the reader before they dive into Andie and Mack's hilarious and swoon-worthy romance. I love this book, and I highly recommend it as a hilarious romance with steamy smexy scenes, and one of the most awesome couples I've read in long time! Definitely a must read!

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Shine Not Burn, by Elle Casey

Shine Not Burn, by Elle Casey

Shine Not Burn, by Elle Casey
Shine Not Burn, by Elle Casey

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