Rabu, 19 November 2014

How Marijuana Cures Cancer, by Joan Bello

How Marijuana Cures Cancer, by Joan Bello

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How Marijuana Cures Cancer, by Joan Bello

How Marijuana Cures Cancer, by Joan Bello

How Marijuana Cures Cancer, by Joan Bello

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How Marijuana Cures Cancer examines the root cause of the dreaded disease as dysfunction in the main balancing system of the organism which derives from habitual restriction in the breathing process. Specific problems in respiration are unique to each person, life-long yet hardly realized as of prime significance to health, mostly invisible and nearly impossible to alter by will or pill. Nevertheless, the immediate Marijuana Effect is full, deep, regular and effortless breathing from which cascades dissolution of all signs of the Cancer Biopathy. How Marijuana Cures Cancer is divided into Four Sections that can be read independently. Part I is a general, holistic, scientific yet simple explanation of exactly what Cancer is and how the benefits of Marijuana Therapy return the organism to health. Section II translates the science of The Cannabinoid System of the Human body for the lay audience and documents its amazing kinship with marijuana molecules. Section III is a compilation of scientific studies that proves the compounds from marijuana or their synthetic copies, without a doubt, stop the progression of cancer at various observable cellular stages, all of which are documented. Section IV examines the Pharmaceutical Industry goal of Research and Development to replicate the healing benefits from marijuana compounds (over 400) in an artificially developed one directional drug for profit and explains why the effort has failed despite billions of dollars in research.

How Marijuana Cures Cancer, by Joan Bello

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2000428 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-10
  • Released on: 2015-10-10
  • Format: Kindle eBook
How Marijuana Cures Cancer, by Joan Bello

About the Author Joan Bello has a Master of Science Degree in Holistic Health and Psychology. She has been studying and publicizing the beneficial effects of Marijuana since it helped cure her young son of epilepsy 40 years ago. Bello produced her seminal work: The Benefits of Marijuana in 1991 in which she acknowledged and explained the vast array of benefits that marijuana imparts to body, mind and spirit. When it first was published, her hypothesis was considered scandalous, yet over the course of time, her work has been validated with scientific study after study. She is respected for her holistic perspective which has withstood the test of time. “Benefits is now selling to the grandchildren of the original readers, and they are just as enthusiastic about the information,” according to Bello. She has a knack for integrating modern scientific information with ancient wisdom and conveying it to the lay population in simple yet profound logic. She credits her ability to see “the whole picture,” from her training in Eastern Studies and Psychology under the tutelage of Swami Rama. Bello was a teacher and counselor before becoming a marijuana activist, researcher and author. How Marijuana Cures Cancer was originally conceived as a short article which would provide the reader with a wide-ranging understanding of the compounds of marijuana and the way in which they interface with the main balancing network of the organism. “The article just kept growing, until I finally realized that if I could explain the connection between marijuana and healing from cancer successfully, it would serve as a basic generic body of knowledge easily applied to other disease syndromes.” Bello is currently working on: The Yoga of Marijuana which will be published in sections over the course of the next five years. “It will be very unique and esoteric and my final contribution in service to The Plant.” Joan Bello lives with her husband and their pets in rural Northeastern Pennsylvania.

How Marijuana Cures Cancer, by Joan Bello

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Most helpful customer reviews

13 of 17 people found the following review helpful. A Big Disappointment By Lee in Riverside I am probably the biggest advocate of medical marijuana that I know. So, please understand my review in that context.While I eagerly looked forward to reading Ms. Bello's book, once I got it, I simply could not force myself to finish reading it. It is not because I doubt that cannabis can and has cured cancer. Published scientific research, university studies, epidemiological surveys and anecdotal evidence more than bear that out.But this book is ill-conceived, totally unedited, poorly written, repetitive, devoid of pertinent references, horribly executed, terribly designed. In short, amateurish and embarrassing - not to mention inappropriately titled. A better title would have been, for example, One Quirky Person's Quasi-Holistic Approach to Cannabis and Cancer. But that wouldn't have solved its inherent flaws. Nor would it have made it any more readable.If you, dear potential reader, are interested in finding out about cancer and cannabis you can do better looking on YouTube. Even better than that would be to go to the government PUBMED site, where you can read about actual research. Or check out NORMLs website. Paul Armentano has written a well-researched and documented (Bello take note) on the various ailments for which cannabis is an excellent medicine. Or check out Granny Storm Crow's List, which gives links to actual studies, and can be found by googling Granny Storm Crow. Or subscribe to O'Shaunghnessy's (Journal of Cannabis in Clinical Practice).Ms. Bello, I have a message for you. If you are actually planning a second volume, for the sake of the Goddess, learn to document everything, and most important GET A PROFESSIONAL EDITOR!!!, who simply will not let you get away with what you did in Volume I.End of Rant.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Basic health information By R. Stewart If one reads the 8 page prelude to the body of the book, you would find the author's explanation for it's unconventional format. Call it, a word to the wise. If you have access to the internet you can follow up specifics. This totally non-toxic medicinal herb has been officially lied about for going on 100 years. It's become clear that this is a miracle plant and big pharma is trying to corner the cannabis molecules. Many special interests are lined up against this wonderfilled plant. Cures Cancers is about fully breathing, the inportance of oxygen in ending the cancer process and how the body's own cannabinoid system responds to the herb. If you are interested in the human body, this book is for you.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. SIMPLY AMAZING By Kay Lee For decades society has searched for a cure for cancer and we haven't even found a more humane treatments for the killer disease than poisoning the body to kill the disease. Is it really possible that the answer to the Big C lies in an innocent but illegal plant? You've got to check out Ms. Bello's book. The knowledge shared in this book could save your life or that of someone you love. It could literally change the way you live your life.

See all 9 customer reviews... How Marijuana Cures Cancer, by Joan Bello

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How Marijuana Cures Cancer, by Joan Bello

How Marijuana Cures Cancer, by Joan Bello

How Marijuana Cures Cancer, by Joan Bello
How Marijuana Cures Cancer, by Joan Bello

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