Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

Write For Me, by Michelle Holt

Write For Me, by Michelle Holt

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Write For Me, by Michelle Holt

Write For Me, by Michelle Holt

Write For Me, by Michelle Holt

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My name is Bently Young. I wouldn’t say I’m an angry person. In fact my life had been like a bubble gum infused sundae topped with happiness sprinkles up until the age of when I could date. And I started to date a lot. Guys were fun at first, a nice dinner, someone to tell me I was pretty and laugh at my sarcastic jokes. But then the little creeps started showing their true colors. And they were not my favorite colors. They were like barf green and overripe fungus tangerine. And it made me angry. Swearing off dating all together was too drastic, but I sure wanted to not do it for a while. I had my family and friends to keep me occupied. I didn’t need a man to take me to cheesy restaurants. One could only eat so much free bread and butter. Life could keep zooming along without the necessity of someone with chest hair being around. Oh but then I met Josh. If I could have just never known he existed, all would have been fine. Of course, I don’t mean that because if I never knew he was in the world, my own world would have been an awful place. He makes me want to dance under a happiness sprinkle hail storm. Pretty much he is gorgeous and has the insane ability to use his words to make my heart float out of my chest. That made things a lot better when everything else I knew in my life decided to implode. But we weren’t immune to the black hole of horribleness either. Ours is an epic love story and I just happened to write it down for you…

Write For Me, by Michelle Holt

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1112807 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-07-24
  • Released on: 2015-07-24
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Write For Me, by Michelle Holt

Write For Me, by Michelle Holt

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Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. This was a lot of fun to read! By Becca's Books Oh, this was a lot of fun to read, sprinkled with highly-entertaining sarcasm, witty dialogue and one girl with an attitude that cannot be beaten.In Michelle Holt's Write For Me, readers are introduced to Bently Young, college student and avoider of the male species. As soon as Bently opened her mouth, I loved her. She was fluent in sarcasm, hilarious in wit, and I took to her character like a duck to water. It's been such a long time since I've spent time with young-ish characters, so it felt fantastic to be strolling down those corridors filled with noisy, chatting students alongside Bently. After a disastrous past dating wise, young Bently decides to take a step away from males for a while and just let life carry her along. Until Josh steps on the scene and completely knocks Bently off of her feet...As love stories go, I thoroughly enjoyed Bently and Josh's. As I mentioned above, it's been a while since I dipped into a story focusing on young-ish characters and so, I found this completely refreshing. Taking into account Bently's rule to not get involved, the tale of she and Josh meeting and falling for each other was an entertaining one to say the least. It was a whirlwind of emotions and angst, worries and doubts, but enjoyable all the same. Not only does the author have this new blossoming romance to keep under control, but there were a ton of characters and sub-plots for me to sink into. I loved Bently's best-friend Taylor. The relationship between she and Bently was an amusing one, but one which I could tell meant a lot to the both of them, therefore felt all the more real to me. The dialogue and narrative was spot-on, although at times, I did feel like the pace was a little slower than necessary. Thankfully, Holt's characters were enough to keep me turning those pages, and when Bently's life takes a life-changing tumble, I really didn't want to turn away.What I found exciting was that throughout Write For Me, the characters' circumstances were almost constantly changing. There was always something going on in Bently's life, something that I wanted to see the outcome of and watch how she reacted to it. There were ups and downs within the plot, as well as in Bently's life, and all the while, I couldn't help wondering where the author would take Bently next. There were moments of tenderness, of that all-consuming 'first real love' that I loved reading about time and time again. There was the girlish banter between two friends which really made me giggle, and in keeping with the title, the essence of note-writing in class (and out of class) that takes me right back to my own years in school. It was fun and flirty to an extent, until the plot twisted Bently's life completely around and suddenly, she had to do a lot of growing up.What I adored most about this novel though, was how Bently's character developed from beginning to end. It was wonderful, although tragic at times, and with the help of Josh, made this story all the more pleasing. Becca's Books is awarding Write For Me by Michelle Holt with four gorgeous cupcakes!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Unexpected and wonderful By Tina Bently Young is my kind of girl: smart, witty and sarcastic to fault. I truly enjoyed getting to know her throughout the story. While I expected a lighthearted love story, I must warn you fair readers, this book tackles some serious issues that I wasn't prepared for after reading the synopsis. I don't want to give too much away but I do want to mention it for those looking for a lighter read.I cannot pinpoint exactly what made me fall in love with this story, but I think the characters are definitely the top of my list. When we meet Bently, she is a scorned woman wallowing from her recent break up. Luckily her bff/roomie Taylor is there to help her pick up the pieces, as a good friend would, by helping her move on. Enter Josh.The insta-love that so many of the NA books I've read are guilty of is not part of this story, and I am so grateful. Bently and Josh have chemistry, don't get me wrong, but their relationship is full of trials and tribulations. There are laugh out loud funny moments and ball your eyes out sadness in this roller coaster of a story, but somehow you can't seem to put it down.The note writing habits of Josh are equally adorable and cringe worthy in sappiness. I personally enjoy getting notes from my significant other so I find them endearing, but others may not. Regardless, this book is about more than just Bently and Josh's romance. It's about life, family, friends and most of all, growing up.I would recommend this to New Adult fans, as well as anyone who enjoys good story telling. This book was well written and flowed beautifully from moment to moment.I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. I was not monetarily compensated for my opinion.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. It's an amazing read ! By Skye white This story is about college student Bently Young. She’s decided to avoid dating after dating too many guys and have her heart broken way too many times. She’s keeping her self busy with schoolwork and spending time with her friend Taylor. One night Taylor drags Bently to a party pretty much against her wishes and rather than join in the fun she hangs out in the kitchen snooping in the cupboards and wondering why they have so much paprika. That’s when she meets Josh who makes the whole not dating thing complicated.Something horrible happens in Bently’s life and Josh is there to help pick up the pieces having dealt with something similar happen to him. What you end up with is an Epic Love Story.This book is really a rollercoaster ride, Its hilarious to the point where I’m laughing so much I get hiccups then absolutely devastating and have to hold back tears. You fall in love with the characters, then they break your heart and then they try to piece it together with sticky tape. I felt like it was emotional torture reading the book but I couldn’t put it down! It was amazing! I would compare it to what Abby and Travis had in Beautiful Disaster. I love the drama.Josh is one of those book boyfriends, which will be remembered“He was protective, Funny, Sincere and just so Mouthwateringly beautiful. He was everything I’d never had in a boyfriend”A couple of quotes from the book I must share are:“I was an independent woman. I ain’t need no G to pay my bills. And when my subconscious went gangsta, I knew I was really upset.”“You can’t spend another night watching Seinfeld reruns. It’s not healthy. And I think I heard you say George Costanza’s name in your sleep last night.”*There are quite a few references to Seinfeld in this bookWhen I first saw this book I didn’t get the cover or the blurb of it but after reading It, It makes sense. Its not something I would pick up usually but I guess not all New Adult books need to have a half naked man on the cover to be good!I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a New Adult book with a mix of humor and drama; it’s a really great read that had me hooked from the beginning, I didn’t want to put it down and read it in one night.Skyesbookblog.wordpress.com

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Write For Me, by Michelle Holt

Write For Me, by Michelle Holt

Write For Me, by Michelle Holt
Write For Me, by Michelle Holt

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