Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror,

FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror, by Deke Mackey Jr.

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FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror, by Deke Mackey Jr.

FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror, by Deke Mackey Jr.

FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror, by Deke Mackey Jr.

Read Ebook FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror, by Deke Mackey Jr.

Something lurks in the black waters surrounding Mossley Island. An arcane and eldritch horror. For fifty years, it's waited. Fading into myth. Allowing those who fought off its last invasion to succumb to age. Now, with the island all but unprotected, this ancient evil prepares to mount one last attack. The first chilling installment of this serialized story finds Dawn Lesguettes accompanying her father to the island. Though he is reluctant to return to his birthplace, Dawn has always wanted to learn more about her origins and hopes to reconnect with the family her wayward father abandoned before she was born. But Mossley Island is not welcoming to those from away, and investigating her unusual family background will soon lead Dawn to uncover chilling secrets best left buried, even as her arrival heralds the return of a darkness long thought vanquished.  Featuring creepy nuns with mysterious motives, a sinister cabal of strangely robust senior citizens, and a militia of lighthouse keepers watching the ocean in case unspeakable terrors rise from the depths, this eerie seven-part serial will draw readers in with atmospheric tension and surprising twists, and refuse to let go as it hurtles towards a startling cliffhanger conclusion sure to leave everyone desperate for the next gripping chapter. INTERVIEW WITH THE AUTHOR Q - How did you come to write FROM AWAY?A - While living on an island off the east coast of Canada, I was surprised to discover many islanders had opposed the construction of an 8 mile fixed-link bridge intended to connect them to the mainland. I wondered: Why would anyone object to easier access to the rest of the world? What rationale might explain fighting to keep themselves isolated? From Away is the answer I came up with. Q - But is it fair to say that at its core, this is the story of a family?A - Absolutely. The catalyst is the homecoming of an estranged and wayward son whose teenage daughter is anxious to meet her kin. As she uncovers a hidden family history, her father is forced to deal with unhappy siblings who blame him for their troubles, because he left the island rather than dedicating himself to the family business as everyone expected. Of course, the family business is protecting the island against the onslaught of monsters from the darkest depths of the ocean. Q - The series is subtitled: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror. Can you unpack that phrase?A - The arcane and eldritch horror refers to something weird and sinister operating beneath the surface. Unthinkable occult mysteries crawling out of the dark places to threaten sanity itself. As a serial thriller, FROM AWAY is a suspenseful continuing story told over seven parts. It's important to know upfront that individually these books don't necessarily wrap up fully-explained with happy endings, but instead feature unfolding mysteries and climax in cliffhangers which leave our characters in jeopardy with their fates uncertain. Q - Why a serial?A - Cliffhangers, man! Being left on the edge of your seat, desperate for the next chapter... I love that feeling! Serialized storytelling is fantastic, in that it allows a large and complex narrative to be doled out in smaller, more easily-digestible segments. It's the best of both worlds. And make no mistake, FROM AWAY is far more than just a novel chopped up into smaller pieces: It is truly serialized. Each episode is a complete novella -between 40,000 and 55,000 words - culminating in multiple cliffhangers and leaving readers desperate to dive into the next installment. Q - What kind of readers should try this series?A - Fans of weird fiction and horror suspense who worry about dark conspiracies involving secret societies and the occult.Readers looking for creepy scares and a general atmosphere of dread which may well culminate in utter madness. Oh,and folks who like tentacles. Fishmen and tentacles.

FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror, by Deke Mackey Jr.

  • Published on: 2015-07-18
  • Released on: 2015-07-18
  • Format: Kindle eBook
FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror, by Deke Mackey Jr.

Review PRAISE for the FROM AWAY Series:
"...the wrapping around this one is razor-sharp barbed wire."  Charles Ray - Charles Ray's Ramblings"...the action moves at a furious pace and doesn't let you go with an excellent cliff hanger that had me screaming for more.  FROM AWAY is one of the best mystery stories I've read this year..."  David Spell - The Scary Reviews"It's a great, enjoyable piece of horror fiction, one that makes theserialized format work for me while still delivering the rich plotting,interesting characters, and good writing I like to have in my horror."  Josh Mauthe - Umney's Alley" I honestly think that Deke Mackey Jr. has the potential to become a next-level horror author."   The Nerdy Book Reviewer - Book Nerd's Brain Dump

FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror, by Deke Mackey Jr.

Where to Download FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror, by Deke Mackey Jr.

Most helpful customer reviews

34 of 37 people found the following review helpful. Book Nerd is sad. Conflicted. Loved the story. Didn't love the style. Hard to review. By booknerdsbraindump From Away was submitted to me by the author as a free book in exchange for an honest review. I honestly think that Deke Mackey Jr. has the potential to become a next-level horror author. Before I describe the plot, it should be noted that From Away is the first novel in, as I understand, a planned series of at least seven books. This book serves as more of an introduction than a stand-alone work. It’s also on the short-ish side, roughly 160 pages.Therefore, the plot is pretty small in scope. Ren Lesguettes is returning to the island where he was born, accompanied by his teenage daughter Dawn. Ren is a federal agent in charge of a project to build a bridge connecting the island to the mainland. However, there’s a lot more to the island and its inhabitants than it would appear, and they have a very good reason to not want the bridge to be built.The citizens of the island include a group of nuns who could almost double as Navy SEALS, an ancient couple who only answer questions if nobody is looking at them, a woman addicted to a bizarre drug, and a troubled boy trying to figure out his place in his family and in the island’s history.I’ll start with the good. Mr. Mackey has a GREAT feel for setting. The isolation of the remote island is fantastic. He also has a deft hand with characters. There’s a large cast of them, but they are all well-rounded, different, and interesting enough to make it easy to keep them straight. Mackey manages to convey the awkwardness and obnoxiousness of teenagers/just barely adults without overdoing it, or sounding like someone’s dad trying to imitate cool phrases.The dialogue is also pretty spot-on. A few lines felt clunky, maybe a little overdramatic, but overall, I could hear the conversations clearly, and they felt natural. It’s a hard thing to master, and I give the author full credit. The pacing was also fairly perfect, as the secrets trickle out, and connections between the characters become apparent.From Away is an intriguing mix of the supernatural terrors that are pretty common in horror novels, and the more common but harder to write down struggles that happen within families. Sometimes, the wounds inflicted by words spoken by a relative can last longer than a bite from a mouth with a thousand teeth, and the author does a tremendous job of keeping the supernatural scares muted and in the background for most of the book, and really showcasing the family ties. But the scary things with teeth are always lingering there in the corners. It’s really great.Now for the not-so-good…..I’m well aware that style is a personal thing. I mean, I personally think I look hot in my favorite baggy sweater with the stain on the sleeve, but my spouse frequently (and loudly) disagrees. So I say this knowing that I am absolutely expressing an opinion that carries no more weight than anyone else’s on this particular subject.For all the good things this book had going for it, the author’s writing style made it substantially less enjoyable. Brief, choppy, fragmented sentences can work well for a few paragraphs to create a sense of urgency in, say, an intense action scene, but as a constant narrative style, it is difficult to read. It felt like Clint Eastwood was in my head narrating this book. I don’t want Clint Eastwood in my head narrating anything. I don’t frequently quote from books, but here’s an example:“The long breadknife saws. Separates three sandwiches into precise and unsquished quarters. Slides each off the cutting board into its own plastic container. Labeled long ago. Careful block letters in fading permanent marker.”And that’s describing exactly what it sounds like - a man is making sandwiches to pack for a lunch.All of the narration is like that, but the dialogue is not - it sounds like real, normal people speaking to each other, so I don’t think it’s a writer’s tic or habit so much as a stylistic choice that I just can’t get behind.The best books are the ones that lull you into a state of complacency with some descriptive paragraphs, maybe a semi-meaningless conversation or other scene, and then BAM!! Hit you with some unexpected twist, or horrific happening out of nowhere. The short, choppy style of writing wouldn’t allow me to be lulled. It doesn’t flow, I didn’t feel like I could drift along with the story. If the goal is to have an edgy feeling throughout the book, it accomplishes that, but it also dilutes the scenes that are meant to have a genuine impact. And to be blunt… it’s kind of annoying.And that’s where it gets to be hard to be a reviewer. I can see sooooooo much potential here. It has all the elements of a really fantastic series - characters you really care about, a setting that’s pitch perfect in its beauty and creepiness, and horrifying family secrets. But I kept finding myself putting this book down and not wanting to pick it back up.The Nerd’s Rating: THREE HAPPY NEURONS (and a shipwreck in a bottle. Because that’s a cool thing to have.)

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful. Promising By Julie Elizabeth Powell I was asked to read this book for review and found it chilling, unusual and more like the beginning of a story.Chilling because of the well written atmospheric feel, unusual because of the style of writing and yes, I know it's only book one, but the cliffhangers could be a disappointment to readers (but, I suppose, a good ploy for those who wish to read further).The tale did remind me of The Wicker Man - isolated town, small minds - so in itself not an original idea, but the characters showed promise and many secrets are yet to be revealed.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Do you like your TV in written-word format? By Christine Myers This is definitely a hybrid of long-form fiction and serialized television. It almost feels like a screenplay as you read it, probably due to the present tense format and focus on dialogue/action. It is important to know going in that this is like a TV pilot, with many characters introduced and plots seeded. The groundwork is laid for the rest of the “season” and while a great mystery is introduced, there is no big wrap up. The writing style takes a little getting used to but is good overall.I loved the concept: a group known as The Old Men (which also includes women) are in charge of keeping their island from falling prey to a disaster no one in recent memory entirely believes is a possibility. The group claims there is very real history with this danger, and therein lies the mystery.For this kind of fiction to work, the characters have to be extremely compelling so the reader wants to tune in to next week’s episode as the plot slowly unfurls. A few of the characters piqued my interest, some fell a little flat, and one kind of broke my heart. I found myself wanting more visual descriptions of the characters, which takes time in the written medium but would be the work of an instant on the screen.I was impressed by the author’s ability to track such a large cast and varying plot-lines, and imagine he has a wall of his workspace covered in post-its, pictures, tacks, and strings with serious color-coding in play.I’m not completely sure if this story is going to work for me long-term, but I will queue up the next “episode” and see where it takes me.

See all 59 customer reviews... FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror, by Deke Mackey Jr.

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FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror, by Deke Mackey Jr. Kindle

FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror, by Deke Mackey Jr.

FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror, by Deke Mackey Jr.

FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror, by Deke Mackey Jr.
FROM AWAY - Series One, Book One: A Serial Thriller of Arcane and Eldritch Horror, by Deke Mackey Jr.

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