Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics),

Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers

Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding The Debate (Reflective Bioethics), By Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers. Bargaining with reviewing routine is no requirement. Checking out Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding The Debate (Reflective Bioethics), By Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers is not sort of something sold that you can take or not. It is a point that will certainly transform your life to life a lot better. It is things that will make you many points around the world and also this universe, in the real life and also right here after. As exactly what will be offered by this Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding The Debate (Reflective Bioethics), By Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers, how can you bargain with the thing that has numerous benefits for you?

Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers

Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers

Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers

Best Ebook Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers

Physician Assisted Suicide is a cross-disciplinary collection of essays from philosophers, physicians, theologians, social scientists, lawyers and economists. As the first book to consider the implications of the Supreme Court decisions in Washington v. Glucksburg and Vacco v. Quill concerning physician-assisted suicide from a variety of perspectives, this collection advances informed, reflective, vigorous public debate.

Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2517113 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-15
  • Released on: 2015-10-15
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers

From The New England Journal of Medicine In the current debate about physician-assisted suicide, proponents argue that legalization would respect contemporary values of patient autonomy and that the practice, if legalized, would be limited in application. Opponents maintain that physician-assisted suicide would violate contemporary values because it would be applied both coercively and extensively. Most of the essays in this collection acknowledge that physician-assisted suicide would indeed constitute a change in contemporary values and that the practice might become widespread; nonetheless, they convincingly show that these propositions are not in themselves sufficient ground either to support or to oppose its legalization. These essays, most by philosophers, thus move the current debate to a new level of interest and sophistication.

The opening chapter, by Patricia Mann, sets the tone for the entire volume. Mann states that the way the value of autonomy is currently invoked to justify assisted suicide "ignores the fabric of relationships, good and bad, within which our actions necessarily occur" and that if physician-assisted suicide is legalized, "our cultural expectations [about dying] will be transformed" and "may become a ubiquitous form of death within the next quarter of a century." She concludes, "That may be a good thing, or it may not." Most of the other essays take up Mann's challenge, and whether they support or oppose legalization (and the collection is evenly balanced on this score), they examine the issues from this enlarged perspective with clarity and analytic rigor.

Margaret Battin envisions the prospect that legalized physician-assisted suicide would represent a fundamental shift in our cultural ideal of death and that assisted suicide would not be a rare event: "dying," she says, "no longer [would be] something that happens to you but something you do." Frances Kamm carefully dissects the current arguments advanced for physician-assisted suicide, rejecting the proposition that there are no moral differences between respecting a person's wish to refuse life-prolonging treatment and his or her wish for hastened death, but advocating legalized physician-assisted suicide on the ground that death can be rationally and morally chosen as "a lesser evil" in many specific circumstances. Don Marquis acknowledges that decisions to proceed with assisted suicide are not necessarily a product of clinical depression or misinformation but can be "rational choices made in accordance with an individual's fundamental values"; he nonetheless argues frankly for paternalistic restriction on this choice, because legalization "will make many of those in need of care worse off" and because laws can justifiably restrict the right to self-determination in order to protect people against "fundamental loss of well-being" (just as participation in the Social Security system is mandatory). John Arras maintains that individual morality is not the proper perspective for evaluating claims for or against legalized physician-assisted suicide but that predictable social harms require its rejection and, in any event, whichever policy is chosen will inevitably and tragically harm someone. The essays conclude with four chapters by theologians with different views about the moral evaluation of physician-assisted suicide that follow from the tenets of their various religions.

Not all the essays address the most fundamental questions raised by legalized physician-assisted suicide. Michael Teitelman, for example, maintains more narrowly that even if physician-assisted suicide is legalized, it should not be available in hospitals because its public character there would be likely to intensify the dangers of assisted suicide, which would be more controllable in other, noninstitutional settings. Bernard Gert, Charles Culver, and K. Danner Clouser make a case for legalizing the assisted suicide of competent, terminally ill patients by facilitating their refusal of food and water, as a preferred alternative to more extensive legalization of physician-assisted suicide. These essays too are distinguished by the clarity and care of their arguments.

The summaries in this review cannot convey the subtleties of argument and the refreshing lack of cant in these essays. This excellent collection, in short, accomplishes the goal proclaimed by the subtitle of the book: it succeeds in expanding the debate about legalizing physician-assisted suicide well beyond its current narrow framework.

Reviewed by Robert A. Burt, J.D. Copyright © 1998 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. The New England Journal of Medicine is a registered trademark of the MMS.

Review ..."this book offers one of the most comprehensive tools to date for understanding the physician-assisted suicide debate.."-Janet Heald Forliani, "Religious Studies Review "This excellent collection succeeds in expanding the debate about legalizing physician-assisted suicide well beyond its current narrow framework."-"New England Journal of Medicine "From protecting the weak to the question of saving health-care money through PAS, the book covers many often contentious subjects."-"Publishers Weekly "Physician Assisted Suicide is by far the most comprehensive collection of materials yet....Whether you know little about this issue, or thought that you knew everything there is to know on it, you are bound to learn more from reading this volume."-Peter Singer, author of "Rethinking Life and Death "In a field where a debate can easily degenerate into sound-bites, it is refreshing to find a collectionof essays that examines the difficult issues in a thoughtful and balanced fashion. Everyone concerned with the personal, psychological, medical, social, religious, and legal dimensions of physician-assisted suicide needs this volume."-Alexander M. Capron, Professor of Law and Medicine, University of Southern California Law School

About the Author Margaret P. Battin is Professor of Philosophy and Adjunct Professor of Internal Medicine, Division of Medical Ethics at the University of Utah. She is the author of numerous books, including, The Least Worst Death (1994). Rosamond Rhodes is Director of Bioethics Education and Associate Professor of Medical Education at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, CUNY. Anita Silvers is Professor of Philosophy at San Francisco State University.

Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers

Where to Download Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Four Stars By Megan Kilian This book contains a lot of information and from all points of view.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Three Stars By Myra Jung Needed for a reference book

See all 2 customer reviews... Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers

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Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers iBooks
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Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers Kindle

Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers

Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers

Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers
Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate (Reflective Bioethics), by Margaret P. Battin, Rosamond Rhodes, Anita Silvers

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