Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

No Kissing Allowed, by Melissa West

No Kissing Allowed, by Melissa West

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No Kissing Allowed, by Melissa West

No Kissing Allowed, by Melissa West

No Kissing Allowed, by Melissa West

Ebook PDF No Kissing Allowed, by Melissa West

A new adult romance from Entangled's Embrace imprint...

No kissing. No touching. And definitely no falling in love...

Armed with her besties, an embarrassing number of shots, and her list of 10 Wild Things To Do Before Adulthood, recent grad Cameron Lawson is partying it up before she starts her dream job at New York's biggest ad agency. Her last task? Hook up with a random guy. And while it's so not her style, the super-sexy guy sitting next to her is definitely game. No names. No details.

At least, that was the plan.

On her first day of work, Cameron discovers her hook-up is none other than Aidan Truitt-her new boss's boss. Talk about failing the "no fraternizing with coworkers" policy on an epic level. Especially when Aidan makes it clear their one night was only the beginning. Falling for him could cost her everything, but sometimes the only way to get what you want is by breaking a few rules...

No Kissing Allowed, by Melissa West

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #26195 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-07-28
  • Released on: 2015-07-28
  • Format: Kindle eBook
No Kissing Allowed, by Melissa West

Review "Sometimes I read a book that I never want to leave. A book that holds magic within its pages, that makes me think and feel and hope. A book that makes me fall in love. NO KISSING ALLOWED by Melissa West is that kind of book." ~ NYT Bestselling Author Rachel Harris."The sexual tension in No Kissing Allowed really leaps off the page and grabs you. If I had a boss as sexy as Aidan, I'd risk a forbidden romance, too!"~ USA Today Bestselling Author Cindi Madsen."Wow, what a totally incredible book...No Kissing Allowed captured my attention from the very start and never let up, even after the story ended." ~ LJT Goodreads reviewer Other praise for Melissa West:    "Ms. West has certainly gained herself a new fan."  ~ Harlequin Junkie, 5 star/Top Pick   "It's an addictive gem of a tale!"  ~ RT Book Reviews, 4.5 star/Top Pick   "...a very heartwarming story. I really loved this book."  ~ Night Owl Reviews, 4.5 star/Top Pick   "...a beautifully written contemporary romance."  ~ Fresh Fiction 

From the Author Love swoony, Southern romances with heat, humor, and heart? Check out these other titles from Melissa West!The No Kissing SeriesNO KISSING ALLOWEDNO FALLING ALLOWED - releasing July 2016The Charleston Haven SeriesPIECES OF OLIVIAMILES FROM KARAThe Hamilton Stables SeriesRACING HEARTSWILD HEARTSSILENT HEARTS - releasing May 10th, 2016The Maple Cove SeriesYOUR B&B OR MINE?

No Kissing Allowed, by Melissa West

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Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Great NA read! Love Aidan and Cameron! By Teresa This book is the perfect read for New Adult fans! It has everything I love about the genre, without feeling like every other New Adult book I’ve read. Melissa West’s characters are always likable and her guys are always swoony. No Kissing Allowed was an addictive read and one I was able to finish in a few short hours.Cameron is an awesome heroine and I related to her in so many ways. I was Cameron not too long ago; starting a new job in NYC and while unlike Cameron I have lived here my whole life, it is still a crazy life change. We are both independent and take pride in our success and the competitive streak is something I understand well. So yeah. Me and Cameron would get along just fine and I really loved that about her. I love seeing myself in a character and I saw a lot of myself in Cameron.Aidan, our love interest, is so so swoony. It’s very easy to fall for him. He is driven and successful, but he is also charming and sweet and a great guy. He isn’t an alpha bad boy and I loved him all the more for that. He is simply a good guy and a realistic guy and one that any girl would be lucky to find. He has his hang ups, but everyone does. What I liked about Aidan is that he is willing to work and evaluate and admit when he is wrong. So yeah. Aidan is great.Aidan and Cameron are great together. They are the kind of couple that makes each other stronger. They push one another to be better and don’t try to hold each other back. Despite Aidan being her boss, he never treats her as if he is superior or shows her any preferential treatment. I also loved the low level of angst in this one. Their relationship has the normal ups and downs, but there is no drama and angst just for the fun of it. It was so refreshing to read a book like that and it made me love it even more.All in all, No Kissing Allowed was a great read and New Adult fans should definitely check this one out. Its quick and fun and swoony and not one to miss.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Enchanting and Romantic!! By deb1210 As Cameron gets ready to start her first real job in the working world, she decides to blow caution to the wind and creates a 10 wild things to do before adulthood list. Her friends help her with her list by adding a number eleven: Hook up with a stranger. Cameron is a good girl. Did what she's supposed to do. Go to school, get good grades, get a good job-she doesn't do anything random and definitely has no intention of actually going through with number eleven. Until a guy at the bar has overheard the whole conversation with her friends. He ropes her into kissing him. Soon after she spending the night with him but in the morning shoves him out the door never getting his name not caring because she has no intentions of seeing him again. Cross off number eleven! When she starts her new job, she's introduced to Aiden one of her boss's and its none other than the hook up guy! Oh no! This is uncomfortable and awkward to say the least! Both try to make the best of it but Aiden has a problem. He can't get Cameron out of his head! The more he sees her, the more he can't stay away and he knows he should, especially since his company has a no employees dating policy.I really had a fun time reading this story! I could relate to Cameron and understood her wanting to let loose just once in her life. She's been hurt before vowed never to be weak again. I liked her resolve. She felt like my friend and just wanted to help her anyway I could. I equally liked Aiden-again totally relatable. He's damaged because his father walked out on he and his mom and has always treated them like crap. He never wanted to do that to someone so he just never got into any relationships. Until he wants one with Cameron, but he's afraid.This is my first story by Melissa West and I loved her writing. Not only are the hero and heroine likeable and relatable, the secondary characters are equally intriguing. They added a lot to the story. Although I would've loved to know what was floating around inside Aiden's head at times, this is a enchanting and very enjoyable read! No Kissing Allowed is one of those stories that once you start reading, it gets under your skin and you can't stop!4 stars/3.5 flamesThis book was given to me by the Jeep Diva for the express purpose of an honest review. The rating and review are solely my opinions and in no way was I compensated.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Captivating and Satisfying! By Valerie StuckInBooks I adore this author. Everything I have read from her, I have loved. Her characters are rich and full. They feel real and I want to be part of their lives. Her stories are captivating and satisfying from start to finish. She's quickly become a one-click author for me.In No Kissing Allowed, Cameron is letting loose for the first time before her first real job starts. A kiss turns to more with a hot guy at the bar and she wakes up to him in her bed. It's not her normal MO and she ushers him out without getting him name, though he does look vaguely familiar. Expecting to never see him again, she's shocked when he turns up running the meeting on her first day at her new job. Not just her boss but her bosses boss. And no kissing is allowed between employees.I love Cameron. She's a relationship girl who spend four years with the wrong guy only to have him sweetly break up with her. Feeling the need to make up for lost time but also wanting to focus on her career, she's totally taken by Aidan. She never backs down from this man that owns her heart, she says what's on her mind and is a strong women. While he's not a relationship kinda guy, maybe she deserves some fun times with him. He's so worth the risk.Aidan is a different kind of no relationship guy. He's afraid of becoming his father, though he's far from him. His dad (a total jerk) left him and his mom when he was young and has treated them like dirt forever. Aidan sees the way to avoid hurting a women and child that way is to avoid marriage and family. And it's worked for him until now. But now, he can't get Cameron out of his head. Staying away from her is painful. Hurting her keeps him up at night. Distance just doesn't work.What I thought was interesting about this story was the turn in the story. Most romance have a falling out and then a period of pain before something changes and things are resolved. This story felt different. That falling out/painful period was not the regular fair. It's hard to explain without spoiling so I won't. Just that I liked it...a lot.If you've ever read Melissa West, you already know you want this book. If you haven't had the pleasure, then make this your first. It's an amazing read.

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No Kissing Allowed, by Melissa West

No Kissing Allowed, by Melissa West

No Kissing Allowed, by Melissa West
No Kissing Allowed, by Melissa West

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