Senin, 29 November 2010

Disheveled (UCC Saga Book 1), by Eva LeNoir

Disheveled (UCC Saga Book 1), by Eva LeNoir

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Disheveled (UCC Saga Book 1), by Eva LeNoir

Disheveled (UCC Saga Book 1), by Eva LeNoir

Disheveled (UCC Saga Book 1), by Eva LeNoir

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Delilah Jameson has the perfect life. A great job in her downtown DC art gallery, a group of girlfriends who will always have her back and Cole; her friend-zoned roommate. Yet, there is something missing; a man she can truly call her own. When online flirting with a complete stranger awakens Dia's sexual curiosity, how far will she go in order to find her happily ever after?

Disheveled (UCC Saga Book 1), by Eva LeNoir

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #136221 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-07-27
  • Released on: 2015-07-27
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Disheveled (UCC Saga Book 1), by Eva LeNoir

About the Author Eva LeNoir lives in Frace with her husband and two sons. While it's not always easy, she tries to balance her work and family life all the while catering to those impatient voices creating havoc in her mind. When she's not living day to day life like everyone else, she vacations with her family in Florida where her mother is ready to take over all adult responsibilities. That is when she writes the most.

Disheveled (UCC Saga Book 1), by Eva LeNoir

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Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. Excellent, Fun, Witty Book! Perfect for Summer Reading! By TeriLyn This is my first title written solely by Eva LeNoir and certainly won't be my last. Having recently read and enjoyed Blackballed, a book Ms. LeNoir co-authored, and then seeing this gorgeous cover on Disheveled I couldn't sign up to read fast enough. Needless to say, I'm now hooked on the #UCC saga thanks to Cole Sterling and Delilah Jameson so I can't wait to see what future installments to the series hold.Disheveled, written simply with a lot of heart and humor, reads fast enticingly leading you into the DC area to fall in love with Cole, Delilah, and the #UCC girls. This book makes you feel good about love stories. It's light hearted, no overwhelming pain or suffering from either character, allowing to simply enjoy reading the story and with a big smile on your face.Cole and Delilah are roommates with a very close relationship they both cherish. With their friendship providing a solid foundation in their lives neither Cole nor Delilah have pushed for anything beyond simple flirtations. They're really sweet together and super cute with their banter, useless but fun knowledge of 80's movies, and the intimacy the reader feels between the two as we get cozy reading the changes subtly happening in their relationship. Cole, a hard hitting lawyer, who's good-hearted manipulations make him all the hotter because LeNoir reminds even book boyfriends are men. And men aren't always the most romantic with over the top gestures and they don't know all the right things to say all the time. This author made her hero make a well-intentioned mistake we can all see plain as day while the heroine remains obviously out of the loop. Through arrogance and total hotness we fall in love with him, knowing what he's doing and seeing the romantic version of it. He fits this descriptions because of his charisma, charm, and quick wit - his confidence oozing from the pages making him totally delicious. His match, our heroine Delilah, oh my did this woman crack me up. Having a four year long crush on your roommate/best friend who happens to be an extremely hot man whore doesn't bode well for the slightly neurotic art gallery owner. She hides behind a thick wall of assumptions never letting her heart too close to Cole's masterful hands. But her reactions to him, her actions because of him, her affection for him - all make her true colors shine beautifully. There's a moment this woman is sitting in her sweats, all done for the day, where she's a real, honest woman. She doesn't need to anything ostentatious to provoke Cole or the reader because Eva LeNoir gives us the real deal. It's easy to see why Ms. LeNoir matched these two and did so quite perfectly.In an effort to preserve the plot - which was another aspect I really enjoyed about Ms. LeNoir's writing, she doesn't play guessing games since the clues are there for the taking. As a reader it was just a joy to feel relaxed and content while reading a fun, romantic journey where the heroine is totally out of touch so I'm not revealing anything specific that happens plot wise. Expect humor from the #UCC girls as they all see the chemistry between Delilah and Cole while they willingly share details from their own love lives intriguing you to want to read their stories. Meet characters outside the #UCC who you'll want to know more about (ie. Jade). And experience what it's like to be in love with your best friend and roommate and have that come to fruition in a really ass-backwards yet so perfect way. The whole plot of the book really lent itself as being part of the characters. It's a little out there but it fits Cole and Dia so perfectly I couldn't have imagined anything else.I can't say enough how much fun I had reading Disheveled. It's the perfect Sunday afternoon, contemporary romance read where you just want to kick back and enjoy a simple, zany, funny romantic book told mostly from the heroine's excellent POV with a few chapters told deliciously from the hero. These characters are ones with whom Eva LeNoir makes it easy to fall for between the pages. She made me laugh out loud numerous times. I can't wait to read the stories of the next characters in the upcoming installments of the #UCC saga and find out the meaning of #UCC. Figuring we'll get more insight into Cole and Dia plus meet more funny, real characters like them - it'll be a great series to follow.**Reader's note** Shout out to the women of the real #UCC who inspired this series. I support you all, including you Eva, and think you're an awesome group of loving, caring, kind, funny women. There were parts of this book that had me laughing out loud just a little harder thinking of you all who had inspired these parts of the story (ass-biter, in this instance I'm talking to you!). You're a special force of women in the reading community and I'm grateful e to know all of you just a little bit.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. A MUST READ By Coachfeare I must admit I'm not a reader. But I am a romantic. A very complex romantic that loves seduction, love and passion. So when I heard about Disheveled and Eva LeNoir's journey on writing it based on all of the ladies in the UCC (jealous of that by the way) I couldn't wait for it to be released. I think it's brilliant. It's the perfect read for someone like me. It's easy to follow and understand. It has passion, intensity, drama and real love. I can relate whole heartedly to the princess as I feel like I have known her for years. Dia is a real gem who has a kinky side that people around her wouldn't necessarily understand. With her happy life, the perfect man is out there for her to make her life complete. This book shows u that true love does exist and it can come with seduction and passion. Honestly, cole is my hero. Hot, spicy and sexual. But at the end of the day knows what he wants and will do whatever it takes, however long it takes to get his princess. And I can't wait for the next book in the series. I want them all. As I said earlier I'm insanely jealous of the UCC. I can't wait to meet each one of them and see how their close knit ties bring them all back to tell their stories. Thank u Eva LeNoir for sharing a bit of the UCC with me and crossing me over to the dark side. I can get used to this reading business, I now have a list of books by you that I will be checking out!

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Love love love I can't wait for more By Erin O'Brien Freaken love this story.I loved it the first time I read it in The Intrigue Anthology and I loved it just as much if not more the second time round.Eva writes some damn HOT scenes my goodness pass this women a fan scorching hot.I love the flow there are no boring bits at all and the story is written do beautifully you never want it to end.I never write a review with details of the story because I like to go into a book cold I hate teasers and I hardly ever read the synopsis I look at the genre and dive in.So all I can tell you is go ahead and buy this book you won't be sorry. I know I'll be gifting it to a few special people in my life this week.

See all 32 customer reviews... Disheveled (UCC Saga Book 1), by Eva LeNoir

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Disheveled (UCC Saga Book 1), by Eva LeNoir

Disheveled (UCC Saga Book 1), by Eva LeNoir

Disheveled (UCC Saga Book 1), by Eva LeNoir
Disheveled (UCC Saga Book 1), by Eva LeNoir

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