Senin, 18 Januari 2010

From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love, by Alex Bratty

From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love, by Alex Bratty

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From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love, by Alex Bratty

From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love, by Alex Bratty

From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love, by Alex Bratty

Best Ebook From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love, by Alex Bratty

From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love is a must-read for anyone who in in transition, facing major life choices, or feeling frustrated, stuck, lost, or trapped in situations that they don’t know how to change. So many of us walk around living the lives and working the jobs that we think we should. We start to think life has to be this way; that we should just suck it up and get on with it. We question if true happiness is ever possible or just something that happens in Hollywood movies. We wonder if we can ever find the answers to the questions we’ve been asking our whole lives. Or, maybe we just feel that something is missing because we feel empty and unfulfilled. But, the truth is, it doesn’t have to be this way. It is possible to create the life we really want – we can truly have it. That is what the author and this book are all about. Alex shares her own struggle with being stuck and how she was able to transform a life that was difficult, stressful, and frustrating to one of ease, calm, and optimism. She provides just the right balance of autobiographical experience with how-to information and techniques that readers can use to get unstuck in their lives. The book flows in such a way that readers will feel themselves floating along on their own personal development journey. They will learn how to identify what is really keeping them stuck, where it came from, and most importantly, how to move beyond it and get unstuck. Alex provides a step-by-step guide for how to change long-standing beliefs and subconscious thoughts that may be sabotaging us or keeping us stuck in place. She also shares specific methods and resources to determine what we really want and how we can create it in our lives. This book is the real deal because the author walks her talk. She has used the tools and techniques she shares to transform her own life and she knows they can work for you, too. Dare to be happy and fulfilled – pick up this book today and enjoy the ride!

From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love, by Alex Bratty

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #236158 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-09
  • Released on: 2015-10-09
  • Format: Kindle eBook
From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love, by Alex Bratty

Review "...a step-by-step, soup-to-nuts guide to reclaiming freedom, joy, love and abundance in any area of your life where you are not creating the results you desire...Learn the art of getting unstuck, and you will forever have a reliable formula for transforming any challenge and manifesting any outcome you want to create." - Christy Whitman, NY Times Best-Selling Author & Personal Development Expert "A powerful book that charts a clear course from the darkness of being stuck to the bright light of clarity and opportunity. Read this book and transform your life!" - Tom Bird, Renowned Book Whisperer and Best-Selling Author "Alex brilliantly brings two unlikely worlds together by sharing her corporate background with her experience of transformation and spiritual growth. IShe shares invaluable information and techniques to free you from your own challenges. A must read for anyone who gets stuck in their limiting beliefs and is ready to move forward and experience more meaning and purpose in their life." - Lisa Ulshafer, Author of Journey with an Angel"A profound renewal of self! With passion and enthusiasm, Alex gives us a step-by-step guide to reprogramming our belief system. It's Your Turn to leave burnout, depression, and exhaustion behind. UNSTUCK is a personal transformation experience." - Tom Puetz, author of Secret Choices, "An inspiring call to self-action and betterment, packaged in an easily digestible and approachable form. This book will help to prepare, challenge and guide the reader to receiving the amazing life that awaits those willing to receive it." - James "Mick" Andzulis, MBA, MSF, PhD, Assistant Professor, Louisiana State University

From the Author If you're not happy with the way things are going in your life, this book can help serve as the bridge to get you from where you are to where you want to be. It offers a roadmap to find the path that's right for you and to live a life you love, not one you think you should be living. I am excited to share this work with you because the tools and resources I provide in the book really work. They helped me transform my life in a way I never even thought possible. I know if they can work for me, they can also work for you! Believe me when I tell you that we can all find joy and fulfillment. We just need to take a little time to listen to ourselves and discover what it is we truly want.

From the Inside Flap Foreword by Christy Whitman   Many a success story begins as a tale of adversity. Witnessing another triumph over difficulty ignites something deep within us, both because it speaks to the enduring strength of the human spirit, but more importantly, because it awakens us to the reality that what is possible for one is possible for all, and that we too are capable of this kind of transformation.    Although I love success stories - and as someone who's re-created virtually every area of my life many times over and coached thousands of others to do the same, I have certainly collected a few of my own. But what's vital to take away from any inspirational tale is not the particulars of what others have created, but the process they used to create it. Once you understand the formula for shifting the way you interact with the universe around you in order to deliberately cause a different result, you can apply it anywhere.   Regardless of the level of success we've attained, every human being has had the feeling that the direction our lives are moving is in direct opposition to the direction we would like them to go. If you have picked up this book, you probably already understand that once a downward spiral starts, it tends to take on a life of its own. The more we dwell on what's not working, the worse we feel, and every annoyance, heartbreak or injustice seems to build towards the next.     This is the state of consciousness that author Alex Bratty defines as being "stuck."   Anyplace in our lives where we are experiencing a lack of freedom is an indication that we are operating within this limited level of consciousness. Our perception is that other people or circumstances have the power to make us happy - or to steal that happiness from us. Not a happy place to be.    This book recounts Alex's deeply personal, true-to-life experience of the years she struggled with being stuck, and the journey she took to set herself free. And like the proverbial journey of 10,000 miles, the most pivotal moment is when we take that first step.    From Chaos to Clarity is a step-by-step, soup-to-nuts guide to reclaiming freedom, joy, love and abundance in any area of your life where you are not creating the results you desire. In it, Alex shares the insights that illumined her path of self-discovery, and offers tools and practices that you can immediately apply to re-create any aspect of your life.    Just what does it take to shift the momentum when we are genuinely frustrated, discouraged, or anxious in some important aspect of our lives? In situations or relationships that we feel powerless to change, what are those first essential steps to taking back our power? And once we've made some initial progress, how can we keep that energy alive and moving forward? These are some of the questions this book addresses head-on. Learn the art of getting unstuck, and you will forever have a reliable formula for transforming any challenge and manifesting any outcome you want to create.   Christy Whitman, NY Times Best-Selling Author Montreal, Canada Summer, 2015

From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love, by Alex Bratty

Where to Download From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love, by Alex Bratty

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. How To Create Change In Any Area Of Your Life By Pamela If you are stuck in any area of your life, this is the book for you. I loved it! Using her own life experiences as examples, Alex takes you through practical step by step exercises to get unstuck, just like she did. From Chaos to Clarity will help you get super clear on what you really want in your life and move forward, no matter where you are at.This book is a complete guide if you want change but don’t know where to begin. As Alex says in her book, “If I can do it. Anyone can.” Yes, we all have the power within us to create change in our lives but she has made it so much easier by gifting us with this clear road-map on how to get there. What took her years to figure out is now at your fingertips!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Practical tools for shifting your human blinders. By Sylvia Sultenfuss Practical, workable tools and perspectives for healing and shifting the challenges of living life is available in Ms. Bratty's book, From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck and Creating A Life You Love. Taking off the human blinders that seem to generate barriers to experiencing life with joy and meaningfulness is available. Alex Bratty reveals understandable shifts and behaviors that offer any person the resource to heal from the "driver seat" of their lives. Watch your lights come on wherever you have darkness! Sylvia Sultenfuss, Author of The Joy of Adulthood: A Crash Course in Designing the Life You Want

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Alex Bratty's FROM CHAOS TO CLARITY shows us that everyday can get us closer to the person we were meant to be By Cyrus Webb There are so many things in our lives that can weigh us down and cause us to doubt our purpose and ability to do great things. Thankfully we have individuals like Alex Bratty to help show us that not only can we get past our past but we can use it as a springboard to where we want to be. In her book FROM CHAOS TO CLARITY she gives us the blueprint that has worked for her and allows us to do the work for ourselves.Several things about this book really stuck with me. One of them is that we are almost programmed to look at fault both in ourselves and others, but the real talent and skill is to look past all of that to the good that we are and that others might bring. This takes work, but it is both necessary and beneficial if we want to be the best of ourselves in every aspect of life. The other things Alex shares is how we can enjoy a new normal for ourselves. And by normal I should say that this looks and is different for everyone, but it is still something that is attainable, letting us know that better things can be ahead.I mentioned the work we have to do, and through exercises in the book Alex leads us in the right direction, giving us opportunities to ask ourselves the tough questions and get a better handle on what we need to do in order to get to where we want.Happiness and peace of mind can be yours, but it takes getting free and then recognizing that everyday can bring you closer to your goals and the pursuit of your purpose.

See all 12 customer reviews... From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love, by Alex Bratty

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From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love, by Alex Bratty

From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love, by Alex Bratty

From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love, by Alex Bratty
From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love, by Alex Bratty

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