Jumat, 02 Mei 2014

I Like You As a Friend: How You Can Avoid The Friend Zone Forever, by Martin Dasko

I Like You As a Friend: How You Can Avoid The Friend Zone Forever, by Martin Dasko

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I Like You As a Friend: How You Can Avoid The Friend Zone Forever, by Martin Dasko

I Like You As a Friend: How You Can Avoid The Friend Zone Forever, by Martin Dasko

I Like You As a Friend: How You Can Avoid The Friend Zone Forever, by Martin Dasko

Read and Download Ebook I Like You As a Friend: How You Can Avoid The Friend Zone Forever, by Martin Dasko

"I like you. I like you as a friend." Have you ever heard this before? Of course you have! Every single guy on this planet has been placed in the friend zone before. The friend zone has likely ruined your life at some point because you went months or even years thinking about your crush. Guess what? It's okay. It's not the end of the world. I'm going to show you how you can avoid the friend zone for the rest of your life. I'm also going to help you escape the friend zone. If that's not enough, we dig into DEEP details about the friend zone. You're going to know all about the following: Signs that you're in the friend zone. Code words for being "friend-zoned." How you can react to a "friend-zoning." Ways to use social media to your advantage. I promise that you that you're going to escape the friend zone and be a new man after reading this.

I Like You As a Friend: How You Can Avoid The Friend Zone Forever, by Martin Dasko

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #324855 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-07-21
  • Released on: 2015-07-21
  • Format: Kindle eBook
I Like You As a Friend: How You Can Avoid The Friend Zone Forever, by Martin Dasko

I Like You As a Friend: How You Can Avoid The Friend Zone Forever, by Martin Dasko

Where to Download I Like You As a Friend: How You Can Avoid The Friend Zone Forever, by Martin Dasko

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Yet another great read! By Justin S Martin Dasko's "I like you as a friend" is another pull no punches reality check. This book has many valuable messages most people overlook. Martin teaches you to not react with emotions, which we have a tendency of doing when we are blinded by beauty. I like you as a friend teaches you how to make the right decisions while maintaining your integrity and dignity in the process. Martin's motif that can be found through most if his works is evident and simple to grasp from the get go - if you're gonna fail, fail fast. This book goes far beyond the superficialities of just dating and it can be applied to many other facets of your life including business. Much like in the precursor of relationships we have a tendency to linger and devalue ourselves by hanging on to false hopes and delusions. Just like Sun Tzu's Art of War, the book is used not only as military book but also used in business and athletics. I like you as a friend is the same in this respect. The message is universal and multi faceted. Martin teaches us to be the master of our destiny, and shows up that being vulnerable, and defeat are inevitable, however, it is how you handle it that's important. Martin gives us the tools in this detailed guide to avoid bring stuck in the friend zone but the deeper message is to not make the same mistakes incessantly and to not keep on keeping on. Sometimes persistence can be weakness and it could lead you in the wrong direction. Aside from the deeper more profound messages in this guide this book will also do wonders for your love life. Stop beating the proverbial dead horse and buy this book!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A Great Read! By Amazon Customer From the suggestion of a friend to read this book I decided to take him up on his offer. The world of dating can be confusing and painful and being always in the "Friend Zone" only adds more salt to the wound. I found Martin Dasko's writing to be witty and straight to the point. He doesn't waste time regurgitating the same thing over and over again but sticks to the facts. He is generous with his humour, non-pretentiousness, honesty, wisdom, and anecdotes of personal experience all the while keeping it entertaining. There were times he had me laugh out loud through personal connections. If you are looking to get an insight about what keeps guys in the Friend Zone with women and how to get out of the Friend Zone I highly recommend starting with Martin's book. It isn't 300 pages long but 134 pages of pure wisdom. There is also a Forward by renowned Relationship Coach Carmelia Ray. It was a complete joy to read!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. I Like You as a Friend is not your average self-help ... By Sugeta I Like You as a Friend is not your average self-help book. It is to the point, a little brash and humorous. As a female reader, I think this book has some unsettling notions about gender roles and tips on how to play a mind game. Be attentive but not needy. Confident but not arrogant. You have to find your own groove at the end of the day. Nonetheless, Martin points out some hard truths about dating in this day and age without the flowery bs. Although it is recommended to NOT take dating advice from a female friend as she may tell you to "tell her how you feel", I think the most important advice in the book is just that. Be forward and clear about your intentions. Be honest, open and authentic with yourself and the right person/people will come in your life. Stop obsessing, over analyzing and just live! Also, heed all warnings of being creepy or misogynistic. Good read!

See all 18 customer reviews... I Like You As a Friend: How You Can Avoid The Friend Zone Forever, by Martin Dasko

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I Like You As a Friend: How You Can Avoid The Friend Zone Forever, by Martin Dasko

I Like You As a Friend: How You Can Avoid The Friend Zone Forever, by Martin Dasko

I Like You As a Friend: How You Can Avoid The Friend Zone Forever, by Martin Dasko
I Like You As a Friend: How You Can Avoid The Friend Zone Forever, by Martin Dasko

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