Rabu, 27 November 2013

Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook,

Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets

Refusing The Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey To Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, By Russell Stamets Just how can you change your mind to be a lot more open? There lots of resources that can assist you to improve your thoughts. It can be from the other encounters and tale from some individuals. Schedule Refusing The Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey To Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, By Russell Stamets is among the relied on resources to get. You could locate many books that we share here in this web site. As well as currently, we show you among the most effective, the Refusing The Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey To Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, By Russell Stamets

Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets

Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets

Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets

Read Ebook Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets

Russell Stamets manages his latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) naturally, without insulin. His is the first account of combining Western and Eastern medicine to lower blood sugar levels and revive his pancreas.

Delivered with humor, irreverence, and verse, this audio handbook will be appreciated by any type of diabetic or anyone striving for sustainable, incredibly good health.

"I applaud you, Russell. This is an accurate way of thinking. As an RN who has been working in a hospital for 30 years and observing and working for a system of health care that is costly and hitting the problems with more insurance billing for conditions that could be eliminated with diet and stress management, your book is right on!"

At age 49, Russell Stamets was diagnosed with latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA). He was told it was irreversible and that he faced a daily shot in the stomach. Unwilling to accept Western medicine's only option, insulin, Russell looked east. He researched, designed a plan, and tested it on himself. Against all odds, he succeeded in lowering his blood sugar levels and reviving his pancreas. Russell provides the details of his diet, supplements, and lifestyle (including meditation) delivered with a dose of humor, irreverence, and verse. Any type of diabetic or prediabetic or anyone looking for a sane, sustainable way to achieve incredibly good health will appreciate this book.

Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #30851 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-10-15
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 128 minutes
Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets

Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets

Where to Download Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Reverse the"Irreversible" By Nesta Though this very personal story is an impassioned life-preserver targeted for people fighting LADA, those suffering from other illnesses in the autoimmune category may well profit by it. In fact, anyone may profit from it, as the outcome of absorbing and following these recomendations is a marked improvement in health and attitude.An accomplished, easy writing style carries the reader smoothly over a large amount of information, including the specific diet and regimen the author has developed in his own campaign to reverse the "irreversible".His extensive and imaginative research combines ideas and facts from both present-day medical practitioners and two thousand years of Eastern Medicine. Central to this program is the Eastern concept that a mind under stress must result in a body under stress.Stamets's results are remarkable--perhaps a major watershed.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Naive By Amazon Customer Although it's interesting to read someone's story of denial, I would warn people not to take his advice for their own health's sake. He seldom tests his blood sugar, and instead of using insulin, which would preserve beta cell function and give him better control, he opts for what amounts to more expensive treatment (weekly acupuncture, etc.) It doesn't add up but it makes him feel superior to other diabetics.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Please read this book! By Jane Crawford Russell's profound results are reproducible in your own life. There are no miracles, only motivation; no magic, just a listening to the body and a gentle rectifying of ways that all humans facing disease can muster. It's an inspirational Everyman story.

See all 7 customer reviews... Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets

Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets PDF
Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets iBooks
Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets ePub
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Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets Kindle

Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets

Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets

Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets
Refusing the Needle: A Diabetic's Natural Journey to Kick-Ass Health: A Diabetes Alternative Treatment Handbook, by Russell Stamets

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